GTKmm and VS2005 problem - fix

Fix for the

"Die Anwendung konnte nicht richtig initialisiert werden 

which translates into:
"The application could not be initialized properly 

problem (caused by GTK libraries being linked to the SP1 
versions of VC8 - which almost nobody has).

Please note that this is a DIRTY fix (emphasis on the 
capitalized word)!

Open Visual Studio and press CTRL+O (File->Open->File).
Go to your GTK directory. If you don't know your GTK 
directory, open a command-window and enter:


Now go to the bin directory within that dir (make a copy of 
the bin directory if you are unsure about the outcome of 
this operation). Under Filename enter:


and press ENTER...

Click into the file-list window and press CTRL+A to select 
all of'em. Click on Open to open them all.

Now examine the text (strings) in front of your nose; if the 
file does not contain the string "RT_MANIFEST" close it (if 
in doubt, close;-) and move on to the next file...

You found a file that contains "RT_MANIFEST"? Great!
Double-click to expand. Double-click on "2 [English (USA)]" 
to open the embedded manifest...

Look for a string reading version="8.0.50727.762" on the 
right side. Replace the "8.0.50727.762" by "8.0.50608.0" and 
press CTRL+S to save the file (you might need administrator 
rights to write into the GTK directory).
Select File->Close from the menu and proceed like that with 
all open files 'till there's none left.

Once you've finished, you should now be able to run your 
programs (including debug versions) without the above 

Happy? :)

                                     LC (myLC gmx de)

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
Der kanns mit allen:

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