TreeView wrap text continues


My mail yesterday was a bit too short :) so one more time.
I'm using Gtk::TreeView in my program, that has Gtk::CellRendererText in column.
I wanted to wrap the text in that CellRendererText so I putted commands

cell_renderer_text->property_wrap_mode() = Pango::WRAP_WORD;
cell_renderer_text->property_wrap_width() = 200;

I've found these commands at of course not ;)
I'm including all I need.

At compiling I got error says that there are not such methods in CellRendererText class so I looked in .cc and .h files and that's right, there aren't.
How on earth I can wrap text in TreeView now?

It's really confusing for someone who is familiar with GTK+ because in there you have those properties.

Please help.

    Darmowy hosting zdjec

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