Re: Wraping text in TreeView


did you check for the header-files?
To use the Gtk::CellRenderText you need to include
the "cellrenderertext.h".
Check docs at:

Perhaps it helps. So I hope I got your right point about it.



Am Freitag, 13. Oktober 2006 21:20 schrieb PerBeatus:
> Hello.
> I have a big problem and don't know where to hit with it.
> I'm developing a small program and i'm using Gtk::TreeView in it. I've 
> wanted to wrap the text so I've went to, I've 
> searched and write somthink like:
> cell_renderer_text->property_wrap_mode() = Pango::WRAP_WORD;
> cell_renderer_text->property_wrap_width() = 200;
> But hey! When I'm compiling it theres an error that says that there is 
> no such methods in Gtk::CellRendererText class. So why it is in 
> documentation?? And How i should wrap my text in TreeView then?
> Please help me.
> P.S.
> Sorry for my english ;)
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