Re: Removing a widget from its container without destroying it

On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 16:38 +0100, Mickael Drean wrote:
> well, in fact I've just called Gtk::Vbox::add(Widget&)
> 2006/2/13, Michael Ekstrand <michael elehack net>: 
>         On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 09:05:06 +0100
>         Mickael Drean <mickael drean gmail com> wrote:
>         > nop, remove() destroy my widget! i want to use it again
>         later
>         Wild guess... is it memory management? When you added the
>         widget to the
>         container initially, did you tell it to manage the widget? I'm
>         not 
>         well-versed enough yet in the memory management aspect of
>         Gtkmm to know
>         for sure, but it seems to me like it could cause this kind of
>         a problem.

No, that's not likely. A small compileable test case would show whatever the problem is.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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