Re: problem installing gtkmm with Windows installer

Hi Alexander,

Could you try again without the following options ?



On 12/11/06, oedipus <alexander arnoldt gmx de> wrote:

Here is the compiler log file. But I cut it, since it is quite huge:

Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\Dev-Cpp\-=Projects=-\project01\"
Executing  make...
make.exe -f "C:\Dev-Cpp\-=Projects=-\project01\" all
g++.exe main.o mywindow.o  -o "project01.exe" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/GTK/LIB"
-L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/mingw32/lib" -mwindows -user32   -Wl,-luuid
-Wl,--rpath   -LC:/Dev-Cpp/GTK/lib   -lgtkmm-2.4   -lgdkmm-2.4   -latkmm-1.6
-lgtk-win32-2.0   -lpangomm-1.4   -lglibmm-2.4   -lsigc-2.0
-lgdk-win32-2.0   -limm32   -lshell32   -lole32   -latk-1.0
-lgdk_pixbuf-2.0   -lpangowin32-1.0   -lgdi32   -lpangocairo-1.0   -lcairo
-lpangoft2-1.0   -lfontconfig   -lfreetype   -lz   -lpango-1.0   -lm
-lgobject-2.0   -lgmodule-2.0   -lglib-2.0   -lintl   -liconv
-Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc     main.o(.text+0x18c):main.cpp:
undefined reference to `Gtk::Main::Main(int&, char**&, bool)'
main.o(.text+0x1b6):main.cpp: undefined reference to

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