Re: memory leaks

//Try something like this:
//#include <gtkmm.h>
//int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
//   for( int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i++ )
//   {
//      Gtk::Main kit( argc, argv ) ;
//   }
//I'm guessing you won't see an increase in memory size.
Yes you're right.

----- Original Message ----
From: Paul Davis <pjdavis engineering uiowa edu>
To: Trigve Siver <trigves yahoo com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 5:57:10 PM
Subject: Re: memory leaks

On 12/5/06, Trigve Siver <trigves yahoo com> wrote:
> Thanks for reply
> I'm using this program:
> #include <gtkmm.h>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>     Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
> //    Gtk::Window window;  // with or without => same behaviour
> //   Gtk::Main::run(window);
>     return 0;
> }

99% Sure, these aren't real memmory leaks then.

Try something like this:

#include <gtkmm.h>
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   for( int i = 0 ; i < 100000 ; i++ )
      Gtk::Main kit( argc, argv ) ;

I'm guessing you won't see an increase in memory size.

> I'm using only _CrtSetDbgFlag() .

I have no idea what this means. I was thinking along the lines of valgrind...


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