Re: Website update?

Am Donnerstag, den 27.04.2006, 08:09 -0500 schrieb Jonathon Jongsma:
> On 4/27/06, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
> > On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 12:34 +0200, Murray Cumming wrote:
> > > Our website is looking a bit unfashionable these days. Would someone
> > > like to play with the CSS and make it look like something from the year
> > > 2005? Just CSS for now - I'd prefer not to bother with a whole new
> > > system yet.
> >
> > Is nobody interesting in making us look a little more hip?
> >
> I don't remember seeing the original message here.  Maybe it was
> before I came on board.  I might be willing to play around with it a
> bit.  Do you have any goals or specific ideas in mind?  Anything you
> want to keep? Are you looking for something with the same colors /
> logo?  Or something completely new?

You should feel free, but try to restrict yourself to just changing the
CSS and graphics, to keep the task simple for now.

If you need to, of course, you can change the classes and IDs in the
HTML, so you can do CSS things with them, if that's not too difficult.  

>   Do you just want a design update
> or do you want an update and re-organization of the information at the
> same time?

Feel free to make suggestions, but I consider that a separate task.

>   And what do you mean by "a whole new system"?  Just so I
> know what the expectations are before I start thinking about it.

This isn't an invitation to completely redesign the site as a
CMS/Zope/Drupal/XSLT system. I don't wish to make that kind of decision.
I like simple decisions like "That looks better."

> Was there any progress on getting GNOME hosting for the website?

Not yet. It will happen eventually.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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