Re: Gtk::Expander and the activate signal

>> I just put a Gtk::Expander widget into a dialog and wanted to catch the
>> "activate" signal which should be emitted whenever the expander is
>> opened,
>> but unfortunately Expander.hg (gtkmm 2.8.1) handles activate like this:
>> _IGNORE_SIGNAL("activate") // keybinding
> What piece of documentation says that this signal will be emitted when the
> expander is expanded? It might be true, but we'd need to see the
> documenation saying it.

In fact, the GtkExpander documentation says
The expander widget has an expanded property which can be used to monitor
its expansion state. You should watch this property with a signal
connection as follows:

expander = gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic ("_More Options");
g_signal_connect (expander, "notify::expanded",
                  G_CALLBACK (expander_callback), NULL);

The C++ equivalent would be

  sigc::mem_fun( yadda yadda )


Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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