Re: Gtk::Expander and the activate signal

> Hi,
> I just put a Gtk::Expander widget into a dialog and wanted to catch the
> "activate" signal which should be emitted whenever the expander is opened,
> but unfortunately Expander.hg (gtkmm 2.8.1) handles activate like this:
> _IGNORE_SIGNAL("activate") // keybinding

What piece of documentation says that this signal will be emitted when the
expander is expanded? It might be true, but we'd need to see the
documenation saying it.

> Now, that's a fairly cryptic reason for ignoring the aforementioned
> signal, which after all is pretty useful (for example to populate it on
> demand in my case), so I was hoping that someone could shed some light; or
> is this a good thing to add as request for enhancement?

We don't wrap keybinding signals - they are usually implementation details
that application authors shouldn't touch. Yet they have tempting names
like "activate" that confuse the API for our non C++-coding friends.

I'm trying to get an up-to-date confirmation about this policy at the moment:

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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