Re: [gtkmm] Re: Is Gtkmm stable and mature on Win32?

> The final step was trying to build a simple GUI using Glade. I did so
> and, at first, tried exporting it to C++ code

I advise you not to waste your time with generated code. If you want to do
that, please take it to the glademm list. Please note that glademm is not
libglademm - see the gtkmm manual for more help with libglademm.

> g++ -o teste teste.cpp `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`
> This gave me the error message: "can't find the 'libglademm.h' include
> file". By invoking pkg-config directly, I could see that there actually
> was no '-I' option for libglademm's include directory. Why is that?

Because libglademm is not part of gtkmm. Try adding libglademm-2.4 to your
pkg-config command. Try looking at other or
files, or reading:

> However, upon the first
> execution attempt, I got an error saying that I needed to call
> g_type_init() before the call in my main(). I did so, but then I was
> bombarded with tons of CRITICAL errors.

You need a Gtk::Main object. Please read the gtkmm book:
and/or look at the libglademm examples (in the libglademm tarball),
instead of blindly trying to throw some code together.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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