Re: [gtkmm] target system dependencies - glibc problem

I have most of the dependency issues worked out. 

Right now the problem is that my development system has glibc 2.3.1 and
the target system(i586) has glibc 2.2.3. Of course for the link they
both point to (but expect different glibc versions). So as it
stands now with 2.2.3 on the target, my app won't execute.

I really don't know how to resolve this issue. Is there an easy way to
fix this? Is there a way to make both glibc's coexist on the target
(given both the app and the system point at the same sym link Is there a way to make the app link to an older/different
glibc on the development system?

Thank you for your help.

On Thu, 2003-06-12 at 12:47, Bassoukos Tassos wrote:
> Peter Gasper wrote:
> >I am developing a GUI app for a low resource embedded system. The app is
> >being compiled on a development system. 
> >
> I assume that the target system (the ebedded one) is i?86 running some 
> kind of modified linux kernel, just to keep this post  small.
> >My question is this: what do I need to install on the target system in
> >order to run the app. Do I need to do a full gtkmm install? Or can I
> >just copy in the shared libraries? Is there a way to statically compile
> >into the program the necessary libraries?
> >  
> >
> AFAIKT, both gtk+ and gtkmm work without problems when compiled 
> statically into the executable[1], without needing any extra files. 
> Don't know about stock items tho. For static compiles, you need first to 
> produce statically compiled libraries, check the configure script for 
> the exact flags (I think --enable-static).
> >I'm new to these sort of things so thank you for your help.
> >
> Oh, you might want to read the other thread about the memory footprint 
> of gtkmm. Also, check out directfb and gtk-directfb, a no-x-server 
> solution for embedded systems. Or try out OPIE.
> Tassos
Peter Gasper <pgasper designadvantage com>

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