RE: [gtkmm] libglademm to create an is_a relationship

> From: Thomas Muldowney [mailto:temas box5 net] 
> I hope this isn't often asked here, searches of the list 
> didn't turn it
> up, so... Has anyone devised a way to use libglademm to create an is_a
> relationship from a widget defined in a glade file?

This is often asked, and it's something that we need.

The basic get_widget()
does a Glib::wrap() to create a new C++ instance for the C instance from
libglade, if no C++ wrapper instance already exists for that C instance.

I think a get_widget_derived<T_DerivedWidget>() could just new the derived
type instead. As with Glib::wrap(), it would just use the
SomethingWidget(GtkSomethingWidget* cobject) constructor. I would really
like someone to implement this, with an example please.

Note that you must use libglademm for this, rather than just using a C
instance that you get from libglade, because libglademm creates special C
instances for gtkmm. Otherwise, you won't be able to connect signal

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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