Re: [gtkmm] Drawing text to a drawable (gtkmm-1.3.20)

Hi Daniel!

I haven't investigated pango(mm) in detail yet, however functions you'd like to
use probably are:


Obviously, function pango_layout_new(PangoContext*) is unwrapped so you have to wait until a patch is applied (I'm about to create one :-)) before you can use:

Pango::Layout::create(const Glib::RefPtr<Context>&)



Am 18.08.2002 01:23 schrieb(en) Daniel:
On 17 Aug 2002 18:41:26 +0100
Murray Cumming <murrayc usa net> wrote:

> On Sat, 2002-08-17 at 17:52, Daniel wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I had to draw some text to a Gdk::Drawable and i have some questions:
> >
> > 1) Which is "the right way" to draw text on a drawingarea. The Gtk+
doc tells me that I should use a PangoLayout... In Gtkmm i cannot find a
Pango::layout ctor. How am i supposed to create this Pango::Layout?
> You need to use create(). Please see

Yes, create-methods exists for the Pixmap and Bitmap but I can't find
create-methods for Pango::Layout. In the Pango doc you can find the
following function:

PangoLayout* pango_layout_new (PangoContext *context);

I can't find anything like this in the Gtkmm docs...


> > 2) Gdk::Drawable::draw_glyphs(const Glib::RefPtr<const GC>& gc, const
Glib::RefPtr<const Pango::Font>& font, int x, int y, PangoGlyphString*
> >
> > Perhaps the last parameter should be a Pango::GlyphString?
> The header file has this comment:
> //glyphs seems to be an array, and this function will be used so little
> that it doesn't seem worth wrapping it to use a container of
> Pango::GlyphString.
> Feel free to provide a patch, but the GTK+ docs suggest that you don't
> need to use it anyway:
> I guess we need to merge the GTK+ docs into the gdkmm and pangomm docs.
> --
> Murray Cumming
> murrayc usa net
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