[gtkmm] Problems with interface class derived from Gtk::Bin

Hi - I am having problems with a simple program I'm trying with Gtkmm. I want a Notebook, where each page contains a widget of type Foo, where Foo is an abstract class that can contain one item. This way, I can iterate through all pages of the notebook and call the same Foo->functions() on each page.

The Foo class I've written to be derived from Gtk::Bin. I then go on to derive specific classes from Foo -- like one with two text entry fields, etc...

THE PROBLEM: When I display the notebook, none of the foo class widgets display. I double-checked the packing, and it seems correct. Here is some code snippets if it helps... any ideas would be appreciated!


class Foo : public Gtk::Bin
 void onOK() = 0;
 void onCancel() = 0;
 void onApply() = 0;

class FooEntry : public Foo
 void onOk();
 void onCancel();
 void onApply();

 Gtk::Entry * email = manage( new Gtk::Entry() );
 Gtk::Entry * password = manage( new Gtk::Entry() );
 email->set_text("test_email test org");

 Gtk::VBox * vbox = manage( new Gtk::VBox() );
 add(*vbox); // added to parent Gtk::Bin

The code goes on to add an instance of FooEntry to a notebook, and then does a show_all() from the window which owns the Notebook. The FooEntry widgets do not display!

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