Re: [gtkmm] Problems with interface class derived from Gtk::Bin

Am 06.08.2002 23:28 schrieb(en) Key88 SF:

Hi - I am having problems with a simple program I'm trying with Gtkmm. I want a Notebook, where each page contains a widget of type Foo, where Foo is an abstract class that can contain one item. This way, I can iterate through all pages of the notebook and call the same Foo->functions() on each page.

The Foo class I've written to be derived from Gtk::Bin. I then go on to derive specific classes from Foo -- like one with two text entry fields, etc...

THE PROBLEM: When I display the notebook, none of the foo class widgets display. I double-checked the packing, and it seems correct. Here is some code snippets if it helps... any ideas would be appreciated!

There seems to be nothing wrong with FooEntry. Try to place a FooEntry
onto a window (instead of a Notebook) and see whether it is there.
If not, show_XYZ() might be called at the wrong time or in the wrong place.



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