Re: [GtkGLExt] Module proposal: GtkGLExt for GNOME 2.22 (fwd)


Actually, I have a question about this migration as a gnome module.

What would be the benefit to migrate the code to a gnome module rather than maintaining the present codebase ?

If somebody really wants to put some work on it (I guess so, else no one would propose to move the code to a gnome module), why not taking over the present project and update it?

Now, let me expose my thought on this gtkglext revival :
- nobody maintains it presently. Why not share this task between various people? There are some work to do on the main code and all the language bindings have be to maintained (I would take the Python side with pleasure). - A roadmap to a gkt+ integration could also be created in order to properly move the code to gtk+, rather than taking a detour as a gnome extension.

That's interesting to see that more and more gtkglext users are taking part in the discussion. I know that Stéphane Popinet's application (Gfsview) relies on gtkglext... I guess that all developers who are using gtkglext are nervous about the code of gtkglext officially unmaintained.

Note that I also have some interest in having a reliable and trustworthy OpenGL binding for GTK because I have used it in the past and want to use it in the future. That's why I propose to put some personal efforts on it.


Stéphane Brunet

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