Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] gtk-vnc 0.3.5 release plan

Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Qui, 2008-04-03 às 12:44 -0500, Anthony Liguori escreveu:
This has been mostly a bug-fix cycle so I'm thinking of cutting a release this weekend. Please try to avoid committing anything between now and then and make sure the latest hg branch works well for your application.

Hi, Anthony.

I was thinking, if we find a fix for the other bug related in (it crashes when can't
resolve hostname). Maybe until the weekend... Then we could do a 0.3.5
with this fix too...

I'm happy to include any bug fixes up until the minute we do the release. We should just limit it to bug fixes where it's pretty obvious that the fix is not going to break anything else.

I suspect 0.3.6 is going to mostly be a bug fix release too as the next couple weeks are very busy for me. I'm happy to release 0.3.6 toward the end of April verses the beginning of May too.


Anthony Liguori


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