[gtk-vnc-devel] patch to allow use with OS X Screen Sharing

Using gtk-vnc-3.4 through vinagre on Ubuntu (hardy), any attempt to connect to an OS X Leopard machine with screen sharing on resulted in an immediate closed connection.

This thread gives some idea of what's going on:

It seems AppleVNCServer advertises RFB 003.889, which would indicate that it speaks RFB 3.8, but really only speaks some variant of RFB 3.3.

I applied the following patch to gvnc.c to smash the minor version to 3 when presented with a minor version of 889 (similar to what appears to be done to support for UltraVNC), and now vinagre can connect to the OS X box.

Sadly, the performance is much slower than tightvncviewer....

-Jin Choi

--- gvnc.c.orig	2008-04-01 00:41:36.000000000 -0400
+++ gvnc.c	2008-04-01 00:41:25.000000000 -0400
@@ -2722,6 +2722,8 @@
 	if (gvnc->major != 3)
 		goto fail;
+	if (gvnc->minor == 889)
+		gvnc->minor = 3;
 	if (gvnc->minor != 3 &&
 	    gvnc->minor != 4 &&
 	    gvnc->minor != 5 &&

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