Re: G::O::I based bindings and problem passing char array ref

This problem is a bit hard to grasp. More detailed tests on another
batch of PDFs gave this:

1. Most (126) failed to open with the "PDF document is damaged" error

2. A few (4) opened but failed to load the first page ( e.g. get_page(0)
returned undef )

3. The rest (5) seemed fine - opened, read metadata, rendered to png

The only obvious common denominators I could find between the five files that
worked was:

a. all were marked as PDF 1.1 compliant (all others at least PDF 1.4).
b. all were a single page
c. none seem to use any internal compression

(b) is not relevant since other single-page files failed. Given that five
files worked fine, the problem appears not in the argument type but in the way
Perl is passing the data to the poppler libs. All 135 files passed all tests
using the "new_from_file()" constructor (letting poppler do the reads). (c)
might be relevant since passing those files through ghostscript with all
default settings introduces compressed objects and the files then fail
testing. I strongly suspect that Perl is mangling the binary data blobs
somehow before they arrive at the C libs but am clueless as to how to
track this down.

I'm attaching two files in case anyone else is willing to pursue this or
confirm my findings - "okay.pdf" that passes all tests, and "nogood.pdf" which
is the same file passed through ghostscript with "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o
nogood.pdf okay.pdf" (fails tests).


Attachment: nogood.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: okay.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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