Tooltips don't appear every time while hoovering over a widget

Hi there!

I'm developing a module to simplify Gtk2 widgets for rapid GUI 
development in my project (Fvwm-Nightshade).

I do it with the Gtk2::Fixed container because of the xy positioning 
possibility. A widget call looks like this:
#$win->add_button(   Name => 'closeButton', 
#                    Position => [310, 350], 
#                    Size => [80, 40], 
#                    Title => 'Close', 
#                    Tooltip => 'Blafasel');

Now to my problem. Some of the widgets have a tooltip function but not 
all. For those I use Gtk2::tooltips but run into the problem, that the
tooltip won't show or only at the borders of a widget.

Does anybody know what's wrong?

I've created the tooltips object in my window class:
## new Window (  Type => <type>              <= supported window types: toplevel, popup
##               Name => '<name>'            <= must be unique
##               Title => '<window title>
##               Width => width              <= otional
##               Height => height)           <= otional
#sub new_window ($@) {
#    my $class = shift;
#    my %params = @_;
#    my $window;
#    my $self = {};
#    $self->{objects} = {};
#    $self->{groups} = {};
#    $self->{type} = $params{'Type'};
#    $self->{name} = $params{'Name'};
#    $self->{title} = $params{'Title'};
#    $self->{width} = $params{'Width'} || undef;
#    $self->{height} = $params{'Height'} || undef;
#    $self->{tooltips} = Gtk2::Tooltips->new();
#    $self->{tooltips}->enable;
#    bless $self, $class;
#    # create the window
#    $window = new Gtk2::Window($self->{type});
#    $window->set_title($self->{title});
#    $self->{window} = $window;
#    # add signal handler
#    $self->add_signal_handler($self->{name}, "destroy", sub {Gtk2->main_quit;});
#    # add geometry if defined
#    if ($self->{width} && $self->{height}) {
#        $window->set_default_size($self->{width}, $self->{height});
#    }
#    # Create the fixed container
#    my $fixed = new Gtk2::Fixed();
#    $self->{container} = $fixed;
#    $self->{window}->add($fixed);    
#    return $self;

In a widget e.g. a radio button:
## add_radio_button( Name => <name>,                 <= Name of the button. Must be unique
##                   Position => [pos_x, pos_y], 
##                   Title => <title>,
##                   Group => <button_group>,        <= Name of the buttongroup. Must be unique
##                   Active => 0/1                   <= Which is the active button. Default is 0 (not active)
##                   Underlined => 0/1,              <= Optional
##                   Tooltip => <tooltip-text>)      <= Optional
##                   )
#sub add_radio_button($@) {
#    my $self = shift;
#    my %params = @_;
#    my $object = new_widget(%params);
#    $object->{type} = 'RadioButton';
#    # radio button specific fields
#    $object->{group} = $params{'Group'} || undef;
#    $object->{active} = $params{'Active'} || 0;
#    $object->{underline} = $params{'Underline'} || 0;
#    $object->{tooltip}   = $params{'Tooltip'} || undef;
#    # create radio button
#    my $radio_button;
#    # get the group
#    my $group = exists($self->{groups}->{$object->{group}}) ? $self->{groups}->{$object->{group}} : undef;
#    # get the last widget from @group
#    my $last = defined($group) ? @$group[-1] : undef;
#    # if underline in text should use
#    if ($object->{underline}) {
#        $radio_button = Gtk2::RadioButton->new_with_label_from_widget ($last, $object->{title});
#        $radio_button->set_use_underline(TRUE);
#    } else {
#        $radio_button = Gtk2::RadioButton->new_with_label($last, $object->{title});
#    }
#    # Check if tooltip should use
#    if (defined($object->{tooltip})) {
#        $self->{tooltips}->set_tip ($radio_button, $object->{tooltip});
#    }
#    # set radio button active
#    $radio_button->set_active(TRUE) if $object->{active};
#    # add group to window groups list
#    unless (defined($group)) {
#        $group = $radio_button->get_group();
#        $self->{groups}->{$object->{group}} = $group;
#    }
#    # positon of the radio button
#    $self->{container}->put($radio_button, $object->{pos_x}, $object->{pos_y});
#    # add widget object to window objects list
#    $object->{obj_ref} = $radio_button;
#    $self->{objects}->{$object->{name}} = $object;

Hope anybody can help else I have to remove the tooltips what would be a pitty ...

Thanks in advance,

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."   --   
Albert Einstein

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