Re: An introspection fix & a Gtk3 test

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Zach Morgan <zpmorgan gmail com> wrote:
Hello, list!

I've made a couple changes that I'd like to propagate to your gnome
repositories. The issue was that TextIter's find_char methods weren't
working because Introspection couldn't handle the unicode character


I've added these two changes to my personal repos [1][2] on GitHub for
further review.

The patches looked fine to me, however, I have limited experience with
Gtk3 internals, so I would like more review before I push to

I also tentatively bumped the required version of
Glib::Object::Inspection in Gtk3 to be 0.016, which would correspond
to the next release of G:O:I.  If anyone else wants to pick up these
changes, you will need to get both modules, and build and install a
new copy of G:O:I first prior to building Gtk3.

If you (or anyone else for that matter) want to submit more changes,
please feel free to fork these repos on GitHub and send me a pull
request with your changes.

Thanks for spotting this and chasing it down!



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