On 27.09.2012 14:48, vividsnow wrote:You're not doing anything wrong. The warning occurs because the "new-buffer" signal handler is invoked by libgstreamer from a foreign thread, i.e. one with no Perl runtime associated with it. Since the Perl interpreter is not thread-safe, we cannot allow this foreign thread to invoke a Perl callback. As of a few versions ago, perl-Glib therefore tries to hand the invocation over to the main thread. I still consider this technique somewhat experimental (it can lead to deadlocks, for example), hence the warning.
Also there are warnings in this code
*** GPerl asked to invoke callback from a foreign thread; handing it
over to the main loop
What I'm doing wrong? or how can I setup callback on each new frame?
Zach Morgan wrote bindings for this: <https://github.com/zpmorgan/GStreamer-App>. But it looks like they never made it onto CPAN. Zach?
it seems that there is no perl bindings for
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