Re: Glib::Introspection 0.04: t/enums.t fails

On 26.11.2011 18:02, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
On 25.11.2011 13:33, Jörn Reder wrote:
t/enums.t ..................... 1/3
# Failed test at t/enums.t line 12.
# got: '[ flag1 flag3 ]'
# expected: 'ARRAY(0x9322c68)'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
t/enums.t ..................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256,

That's a bug in the test suite. It should be using is_deeply() instead
of is(). Apparently, the version of Test::More that I use prefers
dereferencing over stringification for objects which overload both
operations, whereas your version does the opposite.

Turns out that is_deeply() does not work reliably either. Gtk2's tests directly use the overloaded '==' operator together with ok() successfully. So I do that in enums.t too now.

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