Re: Layout problems when getting widgets from glade file

On May 16, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Peter E Dennis wrote:

What I'm trying to do is to get the program using the glade file to
look like the one that isn't. I would ideally like to be able to use
glade than hand code the entire gui.

Try setting the default window size for the main window with

Thanks, I tried:
Gtk2::Window::set_default_size($main_window, 5, 5);

and it remains the same size as before in 'with_glade.png'

It really seems to be something to do with the packing of the label.
Before I add it, the window appears as 'no_label.png'
but after I add the label to the Gtk2::Table it expands horizontally.

Double-check all of the packing and sizing options in the glade file against the corresponding ones in your all-perl version; i noticed at least a few differences in a cursory glance. The boxes have spacing 5 in your code, 0 in glade; the button was expand=FALSE, fill=TRUE in code but expand=TRUE, fill=TRUE in glade, etc. In fact, the expand is a likely culprit.

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