In the example below, whichever Goo::Canvas::Text object is clicked, only the signal from the first one clicked is fired. With Gtk2::Buttons, it works. If I comment out the if ($dialog->run eq 'ok') {} line, then the Goo::Canvas example works too. Does anyone have any insight why that might be?
It looks like the button-press-event causes a pointer-grab. This leads to the described behaviour, because all following events are received by the first text item that was clicked until the grab gets broken. Hence, you need to ungrab the pointer after destroying the dialog. See:
my $dialog = Gtk2::Dialog -> new ('Editing text...', $window, 'modal', 'gtk-ok' => 'ok', 'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel'); $dialog->set_default_response ('ok'); $dialog->show_all; if ($dialog->run eq 'ok') {} $dialog->destroy;
$canvas->pointer_ungrab( $widget, $ev->time );
return TRUE; }); }
Your modified script is attached as well. Regards Mario
Description: Perl program