Re: custom model rows-reordered marshal

Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> writes:

Does this look good to you?

Pretty close.

I wonder how many stack handling bugs like this still hide in our
PPCODE sections.

Until I realized the plain CODE: ones should be ok I thought it could be
very scary, what with the gazillion callbacks that can get back to perl
from a gtk func.  But if it's only PPCODE then it might be merely a bit
of a pain :-)

              int n_columns = gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns (tree_model);
+             /* extend the stack so it can handle 'n_columns' items in
+              * total.  the stack already contains 'items' elements so make
+              * room for 'n_clumns - items' more, move our local stack
+              * pointer forward to the new end, and update the global stack
+              * pointer.  this way, xsubs called by gtk_tree_model_get_value
+              * don't overwrite what we put on the stack. */
+             EXTEND (SP, n_columns - items);

gtk_tree_model_get_n_columns can callback on a custom model, so I think

--- GtkTreeModel.xs     08 Sep 2008 10:47:39 +1000      1.60
+++ GtkTreeModel.xs     08 Sep 2008 10:49:28 +1000      
@@ -1163,6 +1163,7 @@
                 * pointer forward to the new end, and update the global stack
                 * pointer.  this way, xsubs called by gtk_tree_model_get_value
                 * don't overwrite what we put on the stack. */
+               SPAGAIN;
                EXTEND (SP, n_columns - items);
                SP += n_columns - items;

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