Re: buildable interface testers error

Kevin Ryde wrote:

    t/TickerView....Can't locate object method "_ADD_INTERFACE" via package "Gtk2::Buildable" (perhaps you forgot to 
load "Gtk2::Buildable"?) at 
/export/home/cpan/pit/rel/perl5.10.0/.cpanplus/5.10.0/build/Glib-1.200/blib/lib/Glib/Object/ line 225.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
 line 98.

I think this might happen if the installed gtk+ is not recent enough to have GtkBuildable (it was introduced in gtk+ 2.12). In this case, Gtk2 doesn't compile the Gtk2::Buildable wrappers and doesn't provide _ADD_INTERFACE either.

So I think you'll have to do some version checking with Gtk2->CHECK_VERSION.

Or should the bindings behave differently in such a case?


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