Re: I have a problem

On Nov 30, 2008, at 1:42 PM, Dafna Hirschfeld wrote:

I wanted to build a toolbar and insert buttons to it.
I noticed that the documentation of Gtk2::Toolbar is very poor - it just lists all it's methods but has no description on what the methods do or about the meaning of the parameters.

As mentioned in the master manpage ("perldoc Gtk2"), the perl api reference is meant to be used in conjunction with the C API reference documentation at . The mangpage Gtk2::api explains how to do the mental translations between C and Perl. The idea is to avoid duplicating the documentation effort, and invariably having our copy drift out of sync with the upstream.

We always welcome documentation patches.

(And we're still open for volunteers to come up with a way to translate the gtk-doc xml files into pod...)

Searching in Google brought me to this conversation     and this page
Now I am really confused, if those methods are deprecated why isn't it written in the documentation?, and why the new methods are not documented?

Because we're lame and didn't come up with a way to tag deprecated stuff in the XS docs. Actually, the technical reason is that the bindings support being built against older versions of gtk+ 2.x in which those methods were *not* deprecated.

The new methods are, indeed, documented. Look for the ones tagged "Since: gtk+ 2.4".

And another thing, when I run this code in order to get my version I get the output:

Glib 1.190
Gtk2 1.190

Glib built for 2.16.4, running with 2.16.5
Gtk2 built for 2.12.11, running with 2.12.11

And I don't understand exactly what does it means, what is the different between "built for" and "running with"? and what is the 1.190 in the first 2 lines mean?

This manual page explains the three version numbers:

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