Re: signal functions in a package module file

anguila wrote:
if I do the 2 option, when I click button1 at first window, i need the
window2 widget of to show it but  it's into another .glade
file, so I also need to declare this gladexml object in the
I understand that each file can handle with they own signals, but if I
want to use (showwindows) of other .glade files, what I should do?

I think you're making it too complicated.  Here's some code fragments that
should give you the general idea.

use OtherDialog;

sub on_button_from_window_1 {
    my $text = $text = $glade_from_this_file->get_widget ('entry');

    OtherDialog->do_stuff ($text);


package OtherDialog;

sub do_stuff {
    my (undef, $text) = @_;

    my $self = {
        glade => Gtk2::GladeXML->new (...),

    $self->{glade}->get_widget ('this_entry')->set_text ($text);
    $self->{glade}->get_widget ('window')->show ();

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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