Re: gtk-perl makes ASCII world domination one step closer

On Feb 19, 2008 3:34 AM, muppet <scott asofyet org> wrote:

On Feb 19, 2008, at 3:33 AM, nadim khemir wrote:
last but not least, shall it be added to applications list on the
gtk-perl web

Create a description page to which we can link, and we'd be happy to.
You know, what does the app do, what does it look like, what do you
need --- more than just a tarball in a directory.  ;-)

If it helps, you can host your code/Subversion archives/project
downloads on Google code.  I'm pretty happy with it over Sourceforge
(less hassle to get downloads, a little easier to maintain).  It has a
built-in wiki, so creating documentation is pretty easy as well.



"(Rock and roll is) a rebellion against the Puritan ethic which was
decreed from the beginning of our society that Americans are not
allowed to have pleasure" -- Alan Lomax, 1959

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