Re: Cairo 1.042 available

* Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> [2007-10-13 23:30]:
Not sure whether it was worth it, but still: I added something
along the lines of:

unless (eval 'use Test::Number::Delta; 1;') {
      *delta_ok = sub {
              ok(1, 'Fake delta_ok');

* Christian Borup <borup borup com> [2007-10-16 08:40]:
Wouldn't skip be prettier to use a SKIP block?

      skip "Test::Number::Delta not available", $how_many unless

      delta_ok(.... );

* Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> [2007-10-16 21:40]:
If it was just one call to delta_ok, maybe.  But Cairo.t has
four and CairoPattern.t has seven calls that aren't all

    unless ( eval 'use Test::Number::Delta; 1;' ) {
        my $reason = "Test::Number::Delta not available";
        *delta_ok = sub { SKIP: { skip $reason, 1 } };

*AUTOLOAD=*_;sub _{s/(.*)::(.*)/print$2,(",$\/"," ")[defined wantarray]/e;$1}

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