Re: Dialog for choosing directories

Am Mittwoch 25 Oktober 2006 19:46 schrieb Torsten Schoenfeld:
This lacks the actual "new" part: Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new (...).
With that fixed, it works for me.  And really, a segfault shouldn't
occur under any circumstance.  What gtk+ (the library, not the Perl
bindings) version do you use?

Of course I tried it with the new part. The "->new" just did not find it's way 
into the email.

I currently upgraded to perl-5.8.8, perl-glib-1.140, perl-gtk2-1.122.

my $d = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new(
      'Choose a Directory',
         $window, 'select-folder',
        "Cancel" => "cancel",
        "OK"     => "accept",
my $response = $d->run();
if ( "accept" eq $response ) {
        print $d->get_filename(), "\n";

That's exactly what I did. But I think the segmentation fault was caused by 
the rest of the code around the FileChooserDialog because after deleting and 
reimplementing it, my mysterious segfault is not reproducable anymore. I'm 
still wondering about it.

Thank you very much for your reply.



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