Re: [OT] Perl question

David kirjoitti:
Sorry for this OT question, but I know the folks here are quite capable
of answering this - as well or more so on a specific Perl list.

Anyway, I'm contemplating playing around with building some Perl modules
- with MakeMaker.  It would be nice to install them rather than
constantly invoking "use lib" once I get them "halfway decent".  Of
course, no doubt, I would be doing a lot of "fixing" and
re-installing.  Is there any danger of mucking up my system by doing
so?  If you replace a module, is it advisable/necessary to uninstall
the old version first?  Does "make uninstall" remove everything
cleanly?  I am aware of .packlist and wonder if it will be cleaned up

As long as you are messing up your own namespace there's no danger.
Uninstall is not necessary maybe even unadvisable, and I think make
uninstall warns about itself.

I guess my .packlist or what it is is probably very long now, since I
tend to install for tests. I never uninstall anything and I've had no
problems or almost never had to manually fix something in installation


These may be some unnecessary questions, but thought I'd ask before
jumping in and perhaps messing things up badly.
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Prof. Ari Jolma
Kartografia ja Geoinformatiikka / Cartography and Geoinformatics
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