Menu and toolbar issues with Gnome2::App

Hello people,

I'm new to gtk2-perl and I have just started coding a gtk2 app with perl. I have run into some problems with menus and toolbars that I haven't managed to solve on my own.

How do I set the state of a toggleitem in a menu to default to checked? I'm using the create_menus method in class Gnome2::App as follows:

$App->create_menus( [
    type => 'subtree',
    label => '_View',
    subtree => [ {
        type => 'toggleitem',
        label => '_Status Bar',
        callback => \&on_view_status_bar_event,
] );

I'd like to put an entry in the view-menu to hide the toolbar. How can I hide a toolbar created with method create_toolbar in class Gnome2::App?


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