Re: Background image for a window

On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 08:13:24AM -0500, muppet wrote in a legally binding way:
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 08:13:24 -0500
From: muppet <scott asofyet org>
To: Chris Debenham Sun COM
Subject: Re: Background image for a window

On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 20:43, muppet wrote:
On Feb 10, 2005, at 8:06 PM, Chris Debenham - PTS Engineer wrote:
Is there any other way?

Maybe.  Need more info.  What are you trying to make?  (Especially 
intriguing since you say GnomeCanvas is too slow for this purpose...)

ping... did that work for you?

pong... tried it this morning on the train into the office and yep, it
I have it doing the following:

my $pixbuf_loader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new();
eval { $pixbuf_loader->write($row->{'data'}); };
eval { $pixbuf_loader->close() };
my $pixbuf=$pixbuf_loader->get_pixbuf();
my $rc_style = Gtk2::RcStyle->new;
$rc_style->bg_pixmap_name ('normal', $globals->{'bg_file'});
$window->modify_style ($rc_style);

Loads the image fine, scales it to screen size then displays.


muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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