Aloha, have you ever seen the cool syntax the Gtk# people use for connecting signals? No? Well, I have -- and I was jealous. It looks like this: editable.Toggled += new EventHandler (OnEditableToggled); Well, while brushing my teeth I had an idea. One hour and fifty lines of Perl later, the attached was finished. Some sample usage: use Foo qw(Gtk2::Button Gtk2::Widget); $button -> Clicked += \&clicked; $window -> DeleteEvent += sub { Gtk2 -> main_quit(); return FALSE; }; Cool, eh? That looks even better than the Gtk# stuff. I just love Perl. I used studly caps for the signal names because if you use the orignal names you get collisions with existing methods like Gtk2::Button::clicked. Now I just need a name for this baby since "Foo" isn't all that descriptive. Any suggestions? -- Bye, -Torsten
Description: Perl program
Description: Perl program