notebook tabs in an for loop set get text labels and set get values of a Simplelist

hi all 

in my programm i make the notebook tabs in an for loop 

code :

for ( $x=0;$x<=$searchoften1-1;$x++){
   my $simplelist_search = Gtk2::SimpleList->new (
                  'id'    => 'scalar',
                  'searchid'     => 'scalar',
                  'checksum'  => 'scalar',
                  'grösse'    => 'scalar',
                        'name'    => 'scalar',
                        'name'    => 'scalar',
   my $searchlabel= $search->[$x][1];
   my $vbox_search= new Gtk2::VBox( 0, 0 );
   my $search_id=$search->[$x][0];
   my $search_searchtext=$search->[$x][1];
   my $search_opensearches=$search->[$x][2];
   my $search_foundfiles=$search->[$x][3];
  my $search_sumsearches=$search->[$x][4];
   my $search_running=$search->[$x][5];

  my $hbox_search= new Gtk2::HBox(0,0);

   my $label_search_id= new Gtk2::Label("search id: ".$search_id);
my $label_search_searchtext= new Gtk2::Label(" searchtext: ".$search_searchtext);
my $label_search_opensearches= new Gtk2::Label(" opensearches:
my $label_search_foundfiles= new Gtk2::Label(" foundfiles: ".$search_foundfiles);
my $label_search_sumsearches= new Gtk2::Label(" sumsearches: ".$search_sumsearches);
my $label_search_running= new Gtk2::Label(" running: ".$search_running);

$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_id, $false, $false, 0 );
$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_searchtext, $false, $false, 0 );
$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_opensearches, $false, $false, 0 );
$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_foundfiles, $false, $false, 0 );
$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_sumsearches, $false, $false, 0 );
$hbox_search->pack_start( $label_search_running, $false, $false, 0 );

$vbox_search->pack_end( $hbox_search, $false, $false, 0 );
my $scrolledsearch = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
 $scrolledsearch->set_shadow_type ('etched-in');
$scrolledsearch->set_policy ('automatic', 'automatic');

$scrolledsearch->add ($simplelist_search);
$vbox_search->pack_start( $scrolledsearch, $true, $true, 0 );

  my $hbox             = Gtk2::HBox->new;
        my $close            = Gtk2::Button->new("X");
   my $label_search_notebook=new Gtk2::Label($searchlabel);
                sub {
                         $notebook_search->remove_page( $notebook_search->page_num($vbox_search));
 $notebook_search->append_page($vbox_search, $hbox);

this is my for loop to generate my notebooktabs after this i would like have the
values from the  Simplelist (and set) and the labeles (get and set text) 
how can i do this ? 

thx Arnold

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