Re: Please Help A Question From The Beginner!!!!

I am replying here in place of Unni, who didn't find the right
post to reply to.

Also, Unni, could you please next time use "Reply to all" so that
your replies will go to the mailinglist, not "Reply", which sends
your mail to the person who wrote a list post.

Also, please don't simply quote an entire mail -- either leave
only the parts you are replying to, or delete it all.

Thank you.

His message follows.

* unni krishnan <unni800 yahoo co in> [2004-05-07 17:31]:
I am installing from Redhat Linux 9 and had 
i installed all the gtk packeges  from it, but failed
to install gtk-perl from it.i tried to install all the
gtk by 
rpm -ivh gtk*
but not succeed
                          thank u

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