
         Could someone please answer ( or point me in the direction where I can find 
the answer)  some questions I have about Gnome2::Canvas.
1. Why  is it called Gnome2::Canvas. Isn't Gnome built with Gtk so wouldn't 
Gtk2::Canvas be a better name?

2. Where does it fit in the Gtk hierarchy tree?

3. When creating a canvas item why the call to $root?
eg. my $root =$canvas->root;
my $item = Gnome2::Canvas::Item->new ($root,
Am I correct in thinking that no other widget makes this sort of call so why 
does this one need it?

I hope you don't mind me asking such basic questions but I am really trying 
understand the "ins & outs" of Gtk

                         John  ( a Newbie)
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