Re: saving geometry to disk on window resize

muppet wrote:

this works for me...

# load from disk if it exists.
if (-f 'saved') {
        eval join "", `cat saved`;

I know it's only an example, but that probably ought to have a warning label. You hope that the contents of 'saved' never looks like:
system('rm -rf $HOME')

Ok, we all know that.  Eval'ing stuff in a file is a cliche-level gotcha.

Is there a simple way to save/restore stuff like this in a relatively safe way, without a lot of hassle? Here's a shot at just printing the data and reading it back:

# load from disk if it exists.
if (-f 'saved') {
    my @pos = split(/\s+/, `head -1 saved`, 8);
    # probably should sanity check @pos before we do this ,,,
    %$pos = @pos;
print OUT "@{[%$pos]}\n";

That's not too bad - anyone have something better?

Examples really shouldn't include unexploded ordinance.


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