Threading problem on Slackware 9.x

Hi all -

  Just as information, this problem "Q: Everything hangs at Gtk2->init or
Gtk2 '-init' / What's up 'make test' just stops as soon as it starts.",
as described at happens on my
system too.  I do not use debain, but am running slackware 9.0 at home
and 9.1 at work.  'make test' and 'use Gtk -init' hang on both.  Running
use Gtk -init through the perl debugger kills the terminal completely.

  I have tried re-making with --disable-threadsafe, and I have
Gtk+-2.2.4 with glib 2.2.3, which I think are the latest.

  I don't know if you have any further ideas about this, I might try to
recompile perl with threading enabled (it definitely isn't at the
moment), or perhaps switch distros, though I do like Slackware, if
anyone has managed to fix this, let us know :o)

Matthew G

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