Hello,I've started work in a GladeXML app with Perl which consists, basically, of a druid-type wizard. I'm having trouble displaying GnomeDruidPageEdge pages (the start and finish pages) -- they show up blank. I've seen the Gnome2 demo which, incidentally, features a druid and displays these pages so I know they work, only the demo doesn't use GladeXML.
I'm willing to hunt and fix this bug if anyone can point me in the right direction since I've got little experience with Gnome/Glade in general.
I'm using GladeXML 0.95, Gnome2 0.90.I'm including the Perl script and Glade files I'm using in case they're any help.
Thanks, Cristovao.
Description: application/glade
package Test; use Gtk2 -init; use Gtk2::GladeXML; use Gnome2 0.95; use strict; Gnome2::Program->init ("Test", "1.0"); my $gladexml = Gtk2::GladeXML->new ('test.glade'); $gladexml->signal_autoconnect_from_package ('Test'); my $druid = $gladexml->get_widget ('druid1'); my $druidstart = $gladexml->get_widget ('druidpagestart1'); #my $druidconnectiontype = $druid->set_page ($druidstart); Gtk2->main; sub on_start_next { $druid->set_page ($gladexml->get_widget ('druidconnectiontype')); } sub on_quit { exit; }