Re: [RFC] Glib::filename_(to|from)_unicode => Glib->filename_(to|from)_unicode?

an example of the issue(s) with these types methods and inheritance, for those
of you who haven't run across it before:

sub something_class_static
  my $filename =

package FooParent;

sub something_class_static
  my $filename = shift;
  print "The file is named $filename\n";

package FooChild;

our @ISA = 'FooParent';

package main;

# obviously works fine, the output is:
# The file is named filename
FooParent::something_class_static ('filename');

# won't work, b/c it's not in this package, but would be the required way to
# call this with the correct paramter
#FooChild::something_class_static ('filename');

# will work, b/c it inherit's, but since class is passed implicitly the output
# will be:
# The file is named FooChild
FooChild->something_class_static ('filename');

once again the filename stuff obviously isn't the best example, but some good
examples (of places where class static functions have to be accessable though
inheritance) do exist within gtk2-perl. a trivial example would be if i wanted
to create a new type of button that had an extra method or two:

package MyButton;

our @ISA = 'Gtk2::Button';

sub get_label_lc
  my $self = shift;
  lc ($self->get_label);

sub get_label_uc
  my $self = shift;
  uc ($self->get_label);

there is a sligh difference in what is going on here, but we can't rule out
the possiblity that someone will want to make their own child of Glib::Idle,
or whatever. that's not for the binders to decide, and to support this we must
use the -> syntax.


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