Re: [RFC] Glib::filename_(to|from)_unicode => Glib->filename_(to|from)_unicode?

On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 23:12, Marc Lehmann wrote:

If everything in a certain module used one syntax and only two methods
used another one, *that* would be awkward!

And one flaw I forgot to point out is that your assumptions for that
argument are wrong: these _are_ no methods, which is the whole point.

Wrong choice of words.  I intended to say that anything you can call in
the Glib and Gtk2 modules has a class argument, effectively turning it
into Perl's idea of methods: functions with class arguments.

There are many examples:

* Glib::install_exception_handler, Glib::remove_exception_handler
* Glib::log, Glib::Log::set_handler, Glib::Log::remove_handler
* Glib::Timeout::add, Glib::Idle::add
* Glib::IO::add_watch
* Glib::Type::register
* Gtk2::init
* Gtk2::events_pending, Gtk2::main, Gtk2::main_iteration,


As recently bastardized, they work in the Glib class object, which makes
pretty little sense.

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