Gtk-perl instalation problem

Hi All,

I have been trying to install Gtk-perl, but I'm in

root ashley:/tmp/Gtk-Perl-0.7009# perl Makefile.PL 

Can't exec "gnome-config": No such file or directory
at Makefile.PL line 141.

Submodule gnome is needed to build gnomeprint but it
it's misdetected or not selected for compilation.
Available modules: gtk gtkhtml gtkglarea gdkimlib
gdkpixbuf gtkxmhtml gnome gnomeprint glade applets.

You can disable the inclusion of a module using

So, I ran:

root ashley:/tmp/Gtk-Perl-0.7009# perl Makefile.PL

... and I get the following error:


gtk-perl-list gnome orgmake[1]: *** No rule to make
target `build/perl-gtk-ref.pod', needed by
`manifypods'.  Stop.


I have been using Perl 5.8.0, running on a Slackware
9.1 box (kernel version 2.4.22).

What should I do?

Thanks in advance and,
Best Regards,

Marcelo Pereira


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