debugger freezes X + perl-Glib spec-file dependencies


Thanks to all involved for the great work on perl-Gtk2;  it's been
working really well for me.  However, I ran across something interesting
when trying to run some scripts in a debugger.

I don't know if this is a perl-Gtk2, gtk2, or X issue, but if you put a
breakpoint in "on_entry_activate" in the following script and then hit
"enter" in the combo box, X freezes.  ctl-alt-F1 works, and killing the
perl debugger from the text console brings things back to normal.  I'm
guessing that the re-drawing that occurs when the activate signal goes
off is somehow the cause of this because the debugger seems to work
great for other widgets.

This is with perl-Glib-1.020 and perl-Gtk2-1.023.  perl-Glib-1.022
binary and source RPM's want me to upgrade my RH9 distribution to at
least glib-2.3.2.  Building from the perl-Glib-1.022 sources was
successful (so was 'make test') with glib2 version 2.2.1, so I suspect
that the spec-file, at least for the SRPM, is a bit too restrictive.


Kevin Moore


use strict;
use Gtk2;
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
my $combo = Gtk2::Combo->new;
$combo->set_popdown_strings( qw/str1 str2 str3 str4/ );
$combo->entry->signal_connect( activate => \&on_entry_activate );
$window->signal_connect( destroy => \&gtk_main_quit );
sub gtk_main_quit
sub on_entry_activate
        print "Remember how to use ctl-alt-F1?\n";

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