A custom cellrenderer for a bixbuf with text


thanks to your help in the thread "pixbuf and text in one column" I've
been able to produce something that comes quite close to what I want. My
result so far is attached.

Nevertheless, there are still two points I could need help with:

1. The GET_SIZE sub: This seems to get called, before the actual renderer
has been executed. But before I render my column I do not know it's size
- especially since the properties of the cell do not seem to be available
yet. So: Is there a way to get a sensible size estimate other than my
fixed values?

2. The text layout: I store my text in a Gtk2::Pango::Layout, is is
possible to get it's height? I need this for the vertical centering of my
text in the cell.

I am grateful for any help or hints. :-)


Attachment: cellrenderer.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: pgplK29pR6bkM.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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