Perl-Glib and libsoup issues


I'm trying to debug an issue with Perl-Glib and libsoup (HTTP library using Glib). I've set up a Perl 
interface to some C/C++ libraries that run on top of Glib and libsoup, using Perl-Glib and its mainloop.

The interface works fine upto a point. Using gdb, I can trace all the way down to where a soup message 
function queues a message (event?) for execution - a call to a Web server. But Glib does not seem to be doing 
anything with the message or its related callback - no connect calls using strace, for instance.

Is there a way to check whether the context for the mainloop is different in Perl and C? I tried using the 
default context when creating a mainloop, but that didn't make a difference.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.


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