Re: An automatic signal stub function generator

Quoting Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 neces com>:
true, forgot about the fact that the view is separate from the model.
it would be an acceptable/workable feature to have a SimpleList populate
an existing treeview, but it would be more appropriate for it to be
something like 

Gtk2::SimpleList->new( tree_view => $treeview );


Dn't forget the custom widget placeholder in glade (1 and 2).  You can use the
custom widget in the Glade tool and specify the arguments the custom_handler()
will recieve.  You can then set the custom_handler() with


I did this as part of my "put everything in one file" project.  It was simple to
add the XML to the end of the Perl script, read it in with <DATA>, and pass the
resulting string to Gtk2::GladeXML->new_from_memory(), but the pixmaps were
harder to deal with (the Glade tool wanted a path not the pixmap info).  So I
made all of the pixmaps custom widgets with "create_pixmap" as the
creation_function and put the xpm data in the XML file as the first string
argument.  Well, that is what I did at first and had some problems with creating
the Gtk::ToggleButton the pixmap was in the right size, so I wound up doing this
instead, but the principle is the same.

The following code is from gnome-sql-editor version 5.2 available at

sub create_togglebutton_many_sql {
        my $toggle = Gtk::ToggleButton->new;
        my $vbox   = Gtk::VBox->new(0, 0);
        my $pixmap = create_pixmap(@_);
        my $label  = Gtk::Label->new('Statements');



        return $toggle;

sub create_pixmap {
        my ($app, $pixmap_string) = @_;
        my @xpm_data = split /\n/, $pixmap_string;

        my $window = $app->get_widget('app');

        my $style = $window->get_style()->bg( 'normal' );
        my ( $pixmap, $mask ) = Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d(

        return Gtk::Pixmap->new($pixmap, $mask);

sub custom_handler {
        my ($glade_obj, $funcname, $widget, $str1, $str2, $int1, $int2) = @_;
        return eval "$funcname(\$glade_obj, '$str1', '$str2', $int1, $int2)";

          <string1>24 24 2 1
.       c None
#       c #000000
          <last_modification_time>Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:44:19 GMT</last_modification_time>

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