Re: rpm's

On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 10:38  AM, Joe Smith wrote:

BTW, what's the correct way to un-install the old (non-rpm) files that
were installed by 'make install'?

if you were using a non-system target directory, then you just rm -rf that directory. ;-)

I know I can just rm the usual suspects under /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl,
but isn't there a list of installed files kept somewhere?

i think you're thinking of packlists.

from what i can tell, each MakeMaker install also installs a .packlist in the target directory, containing a list of the files that it installed.

   find $PREFIX -name .packlist

should list quite a few.

the trouble is you have to know exactly what you're getting into, and various packages can claim the same files....

if you have the old inline-based gtk2-perl stuff on your system, you'll probably discover it when you try 'make test' on the new stuff. they don't get along. the only way to remove it is just to nuke the whole Gtk2 tree under perl's library.

Surely there is some clean way to remove a perl package.

in my experience, rpm/deb/pkg is the only really clean way. if you're not sure you want to keep it, don't install it to your system-wide perl libs.

i admit that it's a bit late for that bit of chastising, but that's the solution i use.

and don't call me shirley.

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